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Geographic areas that we serve

Harty Jewell offers an extensive range of legal services for clients throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia, but we primarily practice in Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Geographic areas that we serve

The Virginia personal injury and product liability law firm of Harty Jewell, PLLC, offers an extensive range of legal services to those who have been injured as a result of another’s negligence, from a toxin like benzene or mold, or as a result of a defective product or device. Our experienced trial attorneys have represented clients throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia as well as outside of Virginia. However, we primarily focus our work in Hampton Roads, Virginia. This includes Newport News, Hampton, York County and Yorktown, Williamsburg, Gloucester, Matthews, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Chesapeake, and Smithfield.

The attorneys at Harty Jewell are here to help you obtain maximum value for your injury claim, in the most efficient way possible. We fight for our clients in and out of the courtroom and are not afraid to take on big corporations or stand up to the insurance companies. Call the Lawyers who Listen.

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